Garbage & Recycling

Alpine Haven Requirements for Trash and Recycling Pick Up

Recycling is now mandatory in both Vermont and Alpine Haven.  Besides being the law and good for the environment recycling will help Alpine Haven control the cost of our garbage collection and disposal.  Below are the basic requirements for garbage and recycling pick up.  All garbage and recycling that does not meet the required criteria will not be picked up.  If you rent your property please make sure the persons renting your house are aware of our garbage and recycling requirements.

Garbage should be in well tied bags and placed in either a garbage hutch or tightly lidded garbage cans.  Bags that are left at the roadside are being torn open by animals and the trash is being spread everywhere.
Trash should NOT INCLUDE: construction debris, landscaping debris, appliances, toxic items, recycling or Christmas trees/wreaths.
Trash should only include kitchen and household garbage.
We would really appreciate if residents would use high quality trash bags that are no larger than 45 gallons in size.

Recycling should be cleaned, rinsed and placed in well tied clear plastic trash bags.  All recyclable items can be placed in the same bag.   Cardboard that is too large for the clear trash bag may be neatly piled next to other recycling.
Acceptable recycling items include: plastics, metals, paper, cardboard and glass.
Unacceptable items include: Styrofoam, greasy cardboard like pizza boxes, light bulbs and batteries.

Garbage is picked up on Mondays beginning at 9am unless Monday is a holiday in which case pick up will be pushed to the following day.

Recycling pick up is every other Tuesday beginning at 9am unless Monday was a holiday in which case recycling will be pushed to the following day.

Thank you in advance for your cooperation.

For questions or problems please contact the Alpine Haven Manager: